
Mr Bertram with his wife and the rest of his men. They had killed every of Aryan's men.

The house looked very scattered, dead bodies everywhere. “I need to see my son now" Mrs Bertram said as she turned around to make her way back to the room she left.

And just as she was few meters away, she Heard another gunshot coming in from the room.

“Nooo!!!" Mr Maynard yelled out.

She felt her heart skip a beat, Mr Bertram ran into the room immediately and saw Aurelio on the ground, bleeding…

Aryan was on the ground with a side weak smile.

“You bastard!!" He yelled and took out his gun to shoot Aryan countless times till he got tired of firing bullet at him.

He ran to Aurelio and crouched beside him,

“What the! It's just my leg dad" Aurelio replied groaning and laughing at the same time.

His dad pulled off his shirt and tied it around his leg “And so?" He replied

“We need to get you out of here" his mom replied and then Aurelio was carried out of the room down the hallway to the car.

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