Chapter 268: Regret

A fluffy penguin walked alone in a snowy region, facing off against the cold blizzard that kept pushing it back. Its eyes were filled with determination and drive for success that even this blizzard wouldn’t be able to stop it from reaching its destination but something happened that made it stop in its tracks. The slave seal on its Soul Sea was slowly fading away. Frost was so shocked by this that he couldn’t even utter a single word.

And as the slave seal was fading away, the seal released a drop of blood that disappeared immediately after appearing and the process became even faster after the drop of blood was released. And when it completely faded, three green lines appeared on Frost’s forehead. The two lines on the sides were of equal length and the one in the middle half their size.

The same three lines appeared on the leviathan, the treasure hunting rat, Mo Chao and Sky and it was no coincidence. All these guys had in common was that they were all Lu Zhen’s former slaves. And
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