Chapter 270: How The Mighty Have Fallen

“ Father! Father! Grandpa! Save me! Save me!” the arrogant youth rushed inside the main hall of the big villa his family owned and it wasn't just this one villa, there were many others much smaller than this one built for their descendants. This was while the youth took a very short time to reach this place and ask for help from his father and grandfather.

“Henry, what happened?! Who wants to harm you, I’ll kill them right this instant! Guards!” a middle aged man seated on his throne for a chair asked the arrogant youth called Henry. He looked like the older version of Henry, long black hair, green eyes and a well kempt goatee.

“What’s all the screaming about?! Henry, why did you come to the main villa shouting for help like a coward?! Who are you running away from?! Did you tell them who you are?!” an old voice full of anger sounded through the hall, making Henry’s father raise an eyebrow.

“Father, don’t worry. I’m going to take care of this problem right now, you don’t have to waste
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