°°° Bigger Fish To Fry °°°

"On to the bigger fish to be fried," Dan said with a smile, but Gerald just stared back at him, puzzled.“What? "Why are you staring at me like that?” Dan asked, raising a brow, confused by the look on Gerald’s face.

“It’s nothing… it’s nothing… It’s just that I... "I can't get my head around the fact that you're so calm right now," Gerald shook his head slowly.

“Calm? I mean, I do this every evening, man. "I always shut him down for the night, so it’s not something new to me,” Dan chuckled softly.

“But this time around, it’s not just for the night, is it?” Gerald replied with a low voice. "Dan, I know how much time and effort you put into D, how much work you put in to make him, well, as human as he could be, and all of that was just thrown out the window, man.""If you are alright, then you need psychological help.”

“I manipulate perspectives; don’t you think I could make you and the entire earth believe that crazy is the new normal?” Dan laughed and sat
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