040 - How A Hero Dies
The rain that was so heavy has started to subside. There is still a drizzle that is occasionally blown by strong winds. But the cloud is still quite dense above the city, blocking the sunlight that is going to set on the western horizon.

Those three are creeping along the corridor from one faculty building to another. So many glass windows are broken apart. So is the condition of the small gardens around the building.

They find the dead bodies of Dilophopapio monsters scattered around everywhere, inside and outside the building, hanging on the broken windows, also on the fences of the second floor.

It’s hard to imagine whether Arifin was only luring them away by running around, or fighting them head on. They’ve checked on five buildings from three different faculties. But Arifin is still nowhere to be found.

“Crazy! Is this all your friend’s work?” asks Rizal.

“Who else,” replies Tony.

“Well, I just hope he is still alive,” Watt interferes as he shoves one nasty severed limb on t
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