Thirty six

Everyone's hearts began to get uncomfortable as they had no idea what was happening and they were just left in suspense.

Matthew's fury alone was enough to know that it is something really bad and they were dying to know what it is.

Is the contract fake again?

Travis has pulled such a stunt before so it shouldn't be that surprising. Hell, he should already be predictable.

“Did you do this, Joanna?! Did you do this?!” Matthew yelled at Joanna.

Joanna shook her head since she was also confused. “I don't know what you're talking about, uncle.”

“The contract!” The man yelled, his breathing heavy. “There’s a fucking clause that says it's null and void if the Harborview land isn't given to Joanna Bloom!”

Joanna’s eyes widened in shock.

And there was a loud gasp out of everyone in the room.

“WHAT?!” Madame Emma bawled out loud which made everyone flinched.

Matthew nodded and dropped the contract on the table. “How is that possible?! How did you make that possible?!”

Joanna couldn't answer be
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