Micheal's death

Epic 66

I kept yelling inside the place where I was carried, I suppose that should be the back of a trunk. At some point when I got tired I just kept calm.

“We are homeeee!”. She screamed all excited as she had me unfolded.

Opening my eyes which were all blur, I could barely see where we were, not to talk of all the people that were around me. After some minutes when I finally got myself back, I was able to see clearly.

“Where is this place?!”. I said equally as I got myself.

“somewhere very far away from home, don't worry you are going to enjoy it here”. She laughed while trying to touch my hair but I snapped off her hands immediately.

“don't touch me, you pathetic thing!”. I screamed angrily while turning around in search of Michael.

“where is he? where did you take him to? Where is Michael?”. I said while looking around.

“You talk too much and you ask so many questions. I do not have any business with you that is why I'm going to let you go, but you see your Sister, Michael you bet
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