"...let me change too, you crazy old man!"

Hit! A hit came like a wave from behind Alves. The force with which the hit came threw Alves over his head in a somersault. Alves landed on his face, his nose crushing against the hard surface of the big log of tree ahead, which he had collided with.

His nose cracked, and he had a ringing in his head at the contact.

He could wonder how the man had gotten to him even though he was running with the speed of the wind. But that was the least of his worries at that moment.

While he was even on that ill state, he could hear the whooshing and incoming zoom of the throw of the man's heavy arms. The creature.

Bang! The creature descended with full force, knees down, hands drawn, and arms swung. But somehow, Alves had retrieved himself from that position. He was no longer there. He had pushed his body to the side and had evaded the ruthless attack.

He didn't have much time to get back on his feet. The man was charging at him again. It was as though the creature just wanted to make an end t
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