Chapter 1417 He's Going to Buy a Gun

Following day. At Shirley's apartment, she's getting ready to leave, fixing her hair in the living room mirror. Kelvin is on the couch reading the paper. The radio plays the song "Since I Don't Have You", a version of Guns 'n' Roses. Kelvin sighs, thinking he doesn't have Melissa.

“Son, what are you sighing for?” Shirley notices him.

“Sometimes I wonder if I really have Melissa or if she is only with me to heal the wounds caused by Josias,” Kelvin explains while still reading the newspaper.

Shirley approaches him, “And have you discussed this with her?”

“Not yet, and I don't even know if it's worth it.”

Shirley disagrees, “Look, son, if there's one thing your old mother knows about relationships, it's communication. This thing of hiding what one feels from the other only happens in books and soap operas, and you know very well that it only causes a fuss.”

Daryl approaches in dress wear, “Still having doubts about Melissa, little brother? Call her house right now!”

Kelvin puts down the
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