Chapter 1614 The Centerfold

Jock is among his former construction colleagues, all celebrating the success of the current advertising model.

“Dude, if my wife calls you, tell her you're already married!” One of the workers jokes and everyone laughs.

“Guess I'll have to unsubscribe from Maggiezine.” Uélton jokes.

“Guys, thanks for everything. I’ll miss you all.” Jock speaks emotionally.

Simeon pats him on the shoulder, “We'll miss you too, but it's good that one of us leaves this environment for better things.”

Everyone applauds Simeon's speech.

After the silence, everyone makes room to see Josias approaching with the white helmet. Wallace notices how Josias imposes fear and respect without even uttering a comma.

“Indeed, the guy has become powerful.” Wallace asserts through clenched teeth in awe.

Josias realizes that Jock is the reason for the celebration, “Hello everyone. Don't worry, I won't have your salary cut. Jock, did you come to say goodbye?”

“Exactly, Mr. Rocha. Thank you very much for the opportunity, b
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