Chapter 2040 Protecting Themselves

At Rocha Constructions, Josias meets with Tiago, Alfred, and Octavio to discuss William's introduction as a partner of Rocha Constructions.

“Guys, I think everyone here already knows what Will Campos wants.” Josias begins the meeting, “He wants a percentage of our shares of the company to pass on to Caio in the future. When my children take up their positions at Rocha Constructions, Caio will also be part of our legacy.”

Octavio jokes, “Is there still time for me to beget my heir?”

The gentlemen laugh.

Alfred asks, “What about Romualdo?”

“I called him and he's willing to sell some quotas.” Josias replies with a faint smile, “And I advise the gentlemen to let William in.”

“Of course, we’ll be cautious about any attempt by him to disrupt the company.” Tiago comments in an assuring tone, “Enough of the confusions we had in the 90s with Mrs. Rocha.&rd

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