Chapter 29

Two days later, in the basement of the Adam Society basement fitness center after classes, there was a second area, a wide, empty space for one exercise in particular.

“How about this!?” Rafe shouted as he charged at Bogrut, the tenth-year ogre he and the others met before they stumbled upon the back-to-school party.

The olive-green giant easily caught the sharp right hook with his left, pudgy hand. The small crowd that ogled on had their jaws dropped to the floor as what sounded like a clap of thunder shook the machinery and the walls. In Bogrut’s right held his bo staff, about to whack the blond upside the head. However, Rafe launched a series of punches, which the ogre smirked through as he parried them with a single arm.

With extreme skill, when there was a moment of opportunity, Bogrut maneuvered his staff so it now held between his left elbow and side. He quickly shot out his already-reared back right fist as Rafe did the same. However, before the first-year’s fist could break a
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