New Objection

As the group anxiously waiting by the side of the poisonous river, Mephisto’s conditions turns to worse. Helene and Merith are doing their hardest to treat Mephisto but to no avail. The bedridden bird can only hacks and coughs despite their best effort, signaling that the treatment from Helene and Marion didn’t work as expected.

“Kween...” Chirp Mephisto weakly.

“Meppy! Meppy! Stay with me, okay? Don’t leave me yet.” Stella cries as she hugs Mephisto.

As they argued, a giant shadow suddenly emerged out of river with a splash and lands in their vicinity. It was Marion that jumped out of water. On his side, he is holding a creature with a weird body shape, resembling an eel with whiskers and a bloated stomach.

“Here is the Lele fish!” Marion shows everybody his catch. The fish can only helplessly squirms on Marion’s grasp.

“That’s... You sure ‘that’ is a fish?” Question Salieri.

“That no animal. That monster.” Rasheed readies his w
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