A Promise

As they got to the café and sat down at a booth, Wulf stretched his arms.

"Man, I'm famished!" He cried.

"Well, I can imagine since you didn't eat lunch!" Caitlin exclaimed with a giggle.

"What should we get today...?" Wulf mumbled.

"Hey, Wulf...?"

Wulf looked up from the menu.


"I hope I'm not prying too much, especially since it's our second da-" She paused.

"Our second time here...!" She quickly corrected herself.

"But, I've been wondering..." She narrowed her eyes.

"What made you become a teacher in the first place...?"

Wulf's eyes widened.

He opened his mouth to answer when a cool breeze swept through the open window.

"Danny...?" He whispered.

"Sorry I didn't catch that-"

"Oh, no, nothing, I was just talking to myself is all...!" Wulf chuckled nervously.

"What made me become a teacher...?" He repeated the question.

"M-mm...!" Caitlin nodded.

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