Saren (2)

[ Arin told to saren that he is just an ordinary guy to make saren trust him. And when saren revealed that he is a Nuroc sena was scared of hearing that ]

Arin asked to sena " why are looking so scared sena "

Saren - it might be because he now knows that I am a Nuroc.

Arin asked to saren what is a Nuroc.

Sena was the one who replied to that question, " Sir, you really don't know what is a Nuroc? "

" Sena you know right I'm just a regular human " Arin asked to sena.

Sena - Yes sir,

Arin - so what is this Nuroc thing?

Sena - Nuroc are known for their craftsmanship, they are also called ruler of crafts or king of crafting. They possess both spellcasting and physical strength that is on par with some of strongest monsters. But with their crafting skill they are a tricky opponent to fight. There is a saying if you see a Nuroc don't make them angry.

Arin - So that is why you were scared, Arin asked to sena.

" Saren, you are that big of a guy " Arin asked to saren while hiding his fe
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