(What am I doing back here?)

This happened all too often now, I’ll suddenly forget anything I was thinking of just moments ago in an instant for no reason. Although to be fair, that was the least of my concerns, I used to have some vague idea an hour or two ago but as of right now at least…

I have no idea who I am.

Alcaeus: “… That’s right, I was thinking about looking for something… someone called an X grade”

I know for a fact there shouldn’t be too many X grades in general, it can’t be too much of a problem tracking this guy down. Maybe getting out so quickly out of that makeshift hospital wasn't the best idea. I didn't even get to know who that one lady was that was taking care of me, least of all who "The Lord" she mentioned was.

"Honestly it probably wasn't worth sticking around just to find out"

(I'm getting sidetracked again, seems like all I'm good for at this point.)

I definitely knew there was something wrong with me since I'd woken, I mean I literally couldn't even remembe
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