Search the Gangster Group 2

The room Kava entered turned out to be a kitchen. The young man took some knives, cutlery and a frying pan. Meanwhile, the gas tubes were doused with alcoholic beverages. He went out throwing the tube at the gangsters.

Two electrified knives are thrown by Kava into a gas tube by combining several skills at once. The resulting power and speed can penetrate objects made of thin iron. The energy jump that occurred in the two objects created a spark that immediately spread to the alcoholic drink. Fuel gas leaked, there was a very violent explosion. The gangsters were blown away by the explosion, while Kava defended herself with her mana shield.

When the gangsters feel the pain from the explosion of the gas tubes, Kava attacks them. Several knives he threw at the gangsters who tried to get up. The nearest gangster was beaten mercilessly.

"You? How dare you to use this method!” Agni's anger peaked after seeing his men. A certain amount of energy is released so that the temperature there inc
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