Chapter 12
Jason had been watching the stables for over an hour. He was crouched out of sight in the second story of a partially collapsed building across the street from the stable. Onyx the crow, yes he had named the crow as it seemed to not want to leave him alone, had spent the last hour chasing critters nearby and was currently resting on his shoulder. He had picked out Miriam almost immediately as a portly middle-aged woman who carried a riding crop in one hand and a handkerchief in the other, marching around and giving others to the workers as they worked around the stable.

Jason upon returning from Morgana’s place had visited Rex and Sly to seek information on his target. Sly being the rogue informant he was quickly delivered.

“Miriam is the stable master’s wife. She works at the stables during the day.” Sly stated.

“The stable master puts his wife to work in the stables?”, Jason questioned.

“She doesn’t exactly work. She acts as her husband’s assistant and mages the stable hands. I
Frederick Bonsu

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