Chapter 1



In a city with beautiful walls, crowded markets, and small village-like constructions, as well as the beautiful palace ahead, while it had a large portion of land around it.

There seems to be peace here as it could be seen that everyone minded their various businesses. Though the market points were noisy.

A figure is seen walking amongst the crowd, it was a person who covered themselves in a deep blue garment with a cloak, and a hood which covered the head and even partially the face.

The dressing was ridiculous to the point that they even had blue gloves on, and no portion of the skin was revealed.

The unknown had his or her head bent, while walking amongst the people, and was heading towards the palace premises which was ahead.


On arriving at the gate of the palace, four guards stopped the stranger, and asked briskly,

“Who are you? Show your face…”,

Another guard from the inside came out quickly, he was putting on an armor of guards, just like the four others, and a helmet, but he had a sword instead of a spear. He must be of an higher rank.

He was quite muscular, and he’s David. He said to them; asking,

“Who’s there?”

Taking a few steps closer to the person, who slightly revealed their face to him, then David whispered to the stranger,

“The King is waiting…”,

He walked back to the others while the person covered his/her face again.

“A secret guest of the King…,” he says, “Open the gates... I’ll escort her in,” David says and they nodded, bowing their heads while he led the guest in, and the guards went back to their previous positions.

On stepping the palace, they didn’t head for the meeting hall, instead, they headed towards a quiet place, passing through narrow paths, and through a room which they entered, they went into an underground passageway; like a tunnel. It was lighted by torches of fire almost everywhere, this place was kept secret, and well kept.

They took the steps down and were going in, till they finally got to a round table, with 13 chairs. It had occupants, except five others; and the 8 who were already seated were;

- A man in black robe, who seemed to be about 50 years with the look he had. His hair was long, and tied, and he had no beard. His name was Jack

- A minister amongst the meeting courts of the kingdom, and an adviser of the king, he was in his 40s, and his name was Alcott

- A trader who had a straw hat on his head, and raggy clothes, he had a moustache, and a small shave in his jaw. He was in his 30s, and his name was Baron

- A lady putting on a completely red garment, fitted to her body, and she had a black hair, she had whitish makeup and red lips. She was in her early 30s and her name was Olivia

- A young lady in her early 20s who dressed like a noble, she was from a rich family, and she had very long blonde hair which dropped down her back. Her name was Emily

- A man in white, he was in his 50s, and he had gray hair, with no beard, his name was Wayne

- A lady in her mid or late 20s, she was the sister of the present queen, and she was dressed like normal nobles, her name was Eleanor

- A guy with a blonde hair, packed to the back, and he had short beard, which was black, he was probably 30 years, he was a swordsman, and his name was Blake

Those were the eight, and on seeing David with the guest, they chorused,


The guest sighs and took off the hood, raising her head, before she took off the large cloak around her, revealing her deep blue fitted outfit, she had blue lips, and whitish face, she sat beside the one on red, and her name was Judith. She spoke almost immediately,

“David, I thought the king was waiting, now we 9 are waiting for him, and the three others”

The king came in suddenly, in his glorious garment, he was welcomed too, while he sat as well. He had no beard, and was about 40 years old; his name was Hudson

The King said, “I’m glad you could make it… but three members are missing”

Alcott sighs and replied, “Lois’s absence holds a good reason, but the two others should be here, and they have been skipping meetings; this is the third time,”

Emily, the noble scoffs dismissively while she spoke, “Disgusting… we should discuss why we’re here, not why the others are not”

Baron sighs deeply, “We have a problem on our hands…,” but before he could complete his statement, Eleanor cuts in “Problem? What?”

“Our kingdom has fought in battles, but this time, it’s about to get dark,” Jack spoke in an elderly and deep baritone voice. He clears his throat, while Judith said as she stared at King Hudson,

“War is coming, and our enemies are about to use the dark ways against us, right”, she seemed to know already.

“Yes, and we have to remain in the dark”, the King added, while Alcott replies, “It won’t be easy this time, but we have to try, without leaving a trace”

“Alright what’s the plan?”, Eleanor asked, while Jack and Wayne answered together,

“We destroy them,” while Wayne continues,

“But we need to prepare everything we’d need to fight them”, Blake sighs and said after being quiet, “Now to know what we’re up against…”






The king was in his room, it was of great beauty, and anyone would feel like staying in there forever; but he wasn’t alone. With him was his wife; the Queen; Alice, also the elder sister of Eleanor; one of the members of the secret organization.

Queen Alice was in her mid/late 30s, she looked very beautiful, and agile; but she isn’t as okay as she seems. She’s been suffering from an illness for a long time; it’s more like a curse and it’s uncertain if she would live long enough before dying.

Though the king would love to spend much time with her, he was always busy with affairs of the kingdom, and the secret affairs of the secret society.

“My queen,” he speaks, while taking a seat beside her.

He was still in his royal garment, but she was now putting on just a white long gown for the night; being ready to sleep.

The king held her hands, and said while looking into her eyes.

“Before I became king, I always had time for you… and I promised you love, and give my attention even when I become a king, but I failed in doing that…”

He was about to continue speaking, but she yawned, and laid on the bed, while looking up,

“You don’t have to apologize again,” she said, “you have done that countless times, and I’m bored of apologies now… I wish your father was still alive, you wouldn’t be king yet”

King Hudson sighs deeply, “I wish I could change that terrible event too… even if he had died, brother shouldn’t have died; then I wouldn’t be king”, the king sniffles, “father and brother died in that battle… and the shock took mother, it traumatized my little sister, but she got through it; and ever since then, nothing has made her smile”

“It’s alright,” she said, and smirks, “a king shouldn’t cry. Even when I die, don’t let a single drop fall off your eyes”

Hudson laid beside his wife; and both of them were now facing each other. “There’s something you need to know about me,” he said, and then sat upright, making her do the same.

He seemed worried, and reluctant to say what he had in mind; it was obvious from his facial expression; so, she asked,

“What do you want to say?”

He was silent from some seconds, and he exhales sharply,

“This might be a lot to handle…” he started, “but I really need to let you know”


In an unidentified house, were the four present ladies who were in the secret meeting; Olivia (in red), Emily (a noble), Eleanor (Queen’s sister), and Judith (in blue).

There were six chairs, but two chairs were empty. The chairs were for the six female members out of the secret society; and four have been seen so far. But one of the empty ones was for the earlier mentioned; Lois, and the other for one of the two who haven’t attended three meetings.

The present four sat; Olivia was so quiet, and a conversation was going on between Emily and Eleanor, while Judith would chip in sometimes. Olivia only stared; she didn’t seem to be listening to them, then they suddenly stopped talking, and all turned to the door.

It creaked open slowly, and until it was completely open, the legs of a peasant, in rough shoes was seen coming in, and stepping quietly, while the four stood up from their positions.

Slowly, the visitor was revealed, from her feet, to the knee; it was a small leg, this must be a young girl.

She was dressed like a poor little girl, and she had a rough hair, she had a stern look on her face, and stared at the four others. She should be about 16 years of age at most.

“Hello ladies,” she said in a teenage voice.

“Welcome, Lois”, they chorused while she smiled sinisterly.

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