And you are?

The ringing of his phone woke him up from his sleep. He sluggishly woke up and picked up the call

"Hello dear, how are you?" Gracie spoke from the other end

"I'm fine, how about you? Have been taking good care of yourself?" Damien asked

"Yes, I have. You don't need to worry about me" Gracie assured

"Why didn't you pick up when I called yesterday? Where were you?" Damien asked

"I left my phone in my room when I was in the kitchen" Gracie lied

"I was just informing you I've gotten here safely," Damien said

"Okay, how far has your search gotten? Any news about her?" Gracie asked eagerly

"Yeah, I saw the woman she came with. Lawrence and I are going to see the woman tomorrow" Damien explained

"That's a good thing, at least you have a lead," Gracie said excitedly

" I've to go I'll talk to you later," Damien said and with that, he ended the call

He stood up from the bed and got into the shower, he kept thinking about the lady from the restaurant. He hurriedly took his bath and d
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