Chapter 78 Ryan happily lived with Jacky

It was still rainy night, can’t be attached to the wind anymore. Despite that, Jacky never lost her hope, to achieve her new dream for this night. Her son kept on reminding Jacky, to go back her room; just to take her early night off.

Jacky kept on promising to her son; to sleep beside him tonight. Her mind insanely thought about Ryan, who never stopped to look at the sky. With him, she couldn’t take her sleep, not only that but also, to lost her energy anymore. Indeed, she could never move her body, no matter how long she shifted it.

That time, the rain had stopped falling its water to the ground. And then, the wind slightly touched at her flawless body,” what’s your problem dear?”

And then, Jacky uttered her problem in front of the wind. It was so soft being attached to the flawless wind,” I keep on looking at the way, just to hold the handsome guy.” That moment, the wind fully understood what Jacky uttered to her mouth,” I might go back to my room yet,” wind said.

While Sweety kept
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