Chap 13 Discovery.
An onion like plant 5 metres in front was highlighted. He got up and approached it.

"What can a plant named Ioly do? What makes it a treasure?" Circus asked doubtfully while approaching the plant.

He had never heard about the plant named Ioly and had never seen the highlighted plant ahead of him before. It looked like an onion, was about half metre tall, and had yellow wheat like flowers. Nevertheless, vast expanses of forests and thickets conceal countless varieties of plants and trees that remain unknown to mankind.

[The Ioly plant contains stamine, which is a raw form of stamina.]

"Are you suggesting that consuming it will provide me with energy?" He asked in disbelief.

This was exactly what he needed.

[You’re right, sir. The plant’s juice is stamine.]

Circus plucked some of its long and fat leaves. A pleasant fragrance rushed into his nostrils. He put the leaf into his mouth and chewed slowly, wondering if it was going to taste like onion leaves or something entirely different.


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