09. The Telepathy


"Zack, did you hear?"

"Zack, it's Dad. Can you hear Dad's voice now? How are you? Have you reached the city and found a hiding place?”

"Zack, why aren't you answering?"


I woke up to the sound of a pounding heart so loud that it could be heard in my ears. My two nets immediately circulated the room and realized I was still in my old house. I dreamed of listening to my father's voice asking about my condition. Still, after he shouted, I was shocked and woke up reflexively due to too much shock.

"You awake, Zack?"

As fast as lightning, I looked around again, the sound of my heartbeat grew more assertive because I felt scared after hearing that voice. I knew I was alone now, so how could I listen to a voice similar to my father's? Do these groups have the ability to mimic someone's voice until they sound so incredibly alike? If that's the case, they're likely using that ability to catch the people they're looking for. Approaches victims by sound, then grab them as soon as they fall into a trap.

And I almost became the one who was fooled by the sound.

As a result, I tried to stay alert to my surroundings and not allow myself to easily get carried away with all the tricks the group was playing. I still don't know much about them, so my vigilance has doubled. My instinct to survive was activated because of the uneasy feeling that always haunted me.

"Zack, can you hear Mother's voice?"

“Who are you?!” I started to worry when I could hear my mother's voice now. Where were they hiding that I couldn't find a single figure of those black hooded people?!

“Zack, don't be so loud! Don't panic, it's Mom and Dad!”

“F-father...?” I asked in a low voice, a large part of me afraid of being tricked into believing it was my father's voice.

"Yes, it's Dad." However, the voice came back reassuring. "Try to calm down and focus, you hear this voice from inside your head, it's not coming from your ears because I'm talking to you through the ability that I have."

But I still can't believe it. Not with all this suddenness. "Is this for real, Dad? Dad, who is talking to me now?”

"Yes, dear. These are the voices of Mom and Dad. Don't be afraid and don't panic, okay, because these voices are your parents' voices."

I want to cry, really, is it okay?

Hearing mom's voice greet through my head—just like dad said earlier, I felt emotional. Even though I haven't been away from them for a day yet, why does this longing feel even greater after hearing the voices of the two of them?

"Thank goodness you're still alive. Mom and Dad panicked when you didn't answer, we thought you were caught, but apparently, Zack has managed to hide, huh?" mother asked me.

I started sobbing. "Yeah, Zack hid in our old house. It turned out that the road that Father told Zack to go through ended at the end of the road near the house. Where Zack often goes to look for Guire when he runs away into the woods, Mom,” I answered the woman, by the way, Guire was the name of my pet dog when I was little.

“Dad made that road for you on purpose, Zack. Father's purpose for making this was so you could hide in our old house when hunting day came. Father prepared several provisions to help you survive. Father can't let you try alone when your knowledge about the group is minimal.”

Do you know what sucks? I've tried so hard to hold back the damn tears that want to fall from my eyes, but dad's answer just now made all the tears spill out without me being able to hold them. I let it all out, crying uncontrollably. I don't know whether they both could hear it or not. Still, it seemed I could because after hearing me cry, they both stopped talking, as if giving me space to cry first, giving me time to release the burden that had been piled up in my chest since overnight.

 In my heart, I feel very grateful because I can still hear the voices of my parents even though it's only from my head, the important thing is that I can still communicate with both of them and that is more than enough for me. At least I feel relieved because I know they are fine, they are still alive there, so they can still talk to me.

I also felt my zest for life suddenly increase. If it was because of the fireflies last night, it's because of my father's words. He said the path I walked was purposely made for this hunting period. He deliberately took me to the old house so I wouldn't have to worry about where to go to be able to hide. From this way, I realized that my parents wanted me to survive, they wanted me to keep doing everything even though it was hard because every step I took was, in fact partly obtained from my father's help. Even though not directly, I realize that they are always there at every step I take.

Unknowingly my father told me that even though we weren't under the same roof at the moment, we would still be together despite the little things that I had and would go through.

They still allowed me to calm down for a while until my crying stopped and my breathing sounded normal again. After about three minutes, I cleared my throat briefly to restore my voice which would say hoarsely.

“Father, Mother, are you still there?”

"You've calmed down now?" The mother answered my question with another question.

I chuckled a little, it was confirmed that they were both waiting for me. "Okay, I'm done crying," I said, still laughing.

"Since the beginning, you have never changed, you must have liked to cry suddenly, and when you cry, you can't be bothered anymore. Dad and Mom must be quiet, waiting for you to finish crying, which sometimes can take a long time.”

I laughed again at some of the facts that Father had just mentioned. It's always been like that since long ago, the little things that happened between us never changed one bit. I will always be their whiny child on several occasions, crying easily when talking about my parents. Even on the outside, I look cold because I used to be the victim of bullying so often that, in the end, I unconsciously made my defensive character active by itself.

I will be indifferent and freezing for outsiders as if avoiding all existing approaches. However, I would be a weak man if I had to face my parents because only the two of them know my soft side, they never bully me because of that ability, and they are always there when I need them.

Always them, my parents.

“Zack is pleased because can still communicate with you two. Because, to be honest, yesterday's trip scared Zack and I also thought about what would happen if I didn't make it through last night's trip. What if it turns out that wild animals killed me, or worse, the group can find me right away? Zack is scared, Dad, Mom… but at least I can breathe a little easier now that I can still talk to you guys.” I say those words really from the bottom of my heart.

"I'm sorry that all this time, Father and Mother have hidden our abilities from you, we both have telepathic abilities and special abilities are usually acquired by their descendants later, and you are one of them. If you look back, I'm sure you can find some memories where you could hear Mom and Dad's voices even though we weren't together then.”

Hearing mom's answer just now made me reflexively remember some fragments of my childhood memories that were almost the same as what that woman had just said. When I was nearly lost, suddenly, I often heard either the voice of Father or Mother telling me to go home and guiding me to follow the right path.

They have always watched over me from the beginning until now.

"Zack, do you know why our old house hasn't been sold yet?"

"Why?" I asked my father out of curiosity.

"My father never sold it. I just told you I sold the house, but that's false. You never even put up any sales advertisements for our old house because you purposely kept the place vacant until the hunt came around.” Again dad told me an astonishing fact, I don't know, but these few days, my life has been full of many surprises.

Not pausing to reply, mother added, “Mother also told Father to stock up on some supplies while you hid there. At least you have to stay there for a few days because we both have calculated the right time before you will move towards Zack's next district. You can see some shelves in the kitchen, also in your room, Father has stored some food for you while there.”

I nodded even though they couldn't see. I understand everything my parents tell me. "What should Zack do while here? Maybe Mom or Dad can tell you some things Zack cannot do while I am here?”

“Close all doors and windows as well as all existing curtains. Never put your foot out of that house no matter what, Zack. It's better to avoid all forms of sound that sound strong, making it seem like our house is still empty without occupants. Because all this time, everyone thought that way.”

While listening to all the suggestions father had to say, I stood up to check that everything was by what the man had said. I don't allow them to know that someone is in this house. I hadn't even turned on a single light when I got here.

But, suddenly, I remembered something. I immediately asked my father because he might know something. “Dad... Zack doesn't know if it's just my gut feeling or whatever. But Zack feels downtown is quieter than it should be. Zack hasn't heard anything since last night, either. Do you know why that could happen? Everyone's still in their houses, right?”

There was a long silence, my father did not immediately answer the question I had just asked him. "Father?" I called him to ensure he was still listening but got no answer.

In the next second, instead of hearing my father's voice from inside my head, I heard someone screaming from the opposite house, followed by the loud sound of a noisy gunshot.

I was shocked, my heart raced fast at the sound. Exactly what just happened there?

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