26. Sacrifice

Entering the 11th day, the situation in District Five was no better than the previous days but became worse with lots of damage everywhere, several corpses were lying on the street without anyone caring, people in District Five started to exist and the district almost becoming a ghost town with each passing day. The black-robed people—who could be called Orion, were still there in several places, looking for every teenager they needed and then taking them away somewhere.

Ditya is one of the teenagers who is also their target because he has the special ability to move places, like an ability called teleportation. So it's unsurprising that they will come straight to him if they accidentally meet or see Ditya somewhere. Ditya also tries to minimize any use of his special abilities because this could be one way for them to track down children with special abilities.

There are many things that Ditya knows and has learned in the six years since he finally lived alone in this district. There
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