C39 °•○● The Hunt Begins - Part 4


°•○● ELEMENTA- The Tale of Immortality - Chapter "39" -/ T

"The Hunt Begins - 4" °•○●


Ren screamed with all his strength, as much as his throat could. He wanted as many eagles as possible to concentrate on him. Things would get easier, especially if Alpha got angry with him.

He yelled twice more to draw the alpha's attention to him so he wouldn't touch the other five children. But anyway, the alpha didn't take his eyes off Ren. Unlike the other simple children, he sensed real danger from Ren.

Ren couldn't understand why. Although the other five had hunted a lot of animals in the last month, they didn't have the scent of death on the Rhine. But Ren didn't care because it worked for him.

He took a step forward and dropped the first bomb in his right hand. He waited two seconds and popped another one. And then two more.

Just two seconds apart, all four bombs had been dropped on small simple eagles on all four sides of Alp
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