
As soon as we stepped out of the televeyor, the sight of another exotic room came into view. This time, it was more of a guest room. A space of resort of a sort, rather than an office.

However, I couldn't enjoy the view as much as I'd have liked as I caught sight of someone I was rather expecting to meet. Though, I was not certain of her real identity anymore.

“ Took you long enough...” Dressed in a tight black leather suit with little taupe details, the lady said without shifting her indifferent gaze from the HUD of her vector device. Her long black hair fell all over her stretched, fit, and curvy figure while the humongous mounds on her chest that the suit she wore failed to cover peeked from beneath her pointed chin. She looked even hotter than I remembered.

The next instant, she shut close the vector device before her and slowly organized her posture to stand. I was mesmerized by how those two familiar soft melons on her chest jiggled with every little action she made in the pr
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