16- Just Exactly Where Is Here
“Give it an hour...” The voice echoed around her. Female.


Her entire body felt tired and prickly. Her brain tried to contact Kia, but the system was not responding. “Kia,” she called out again, this time out loud, her teeth rattling from the cold.

“...coming to...” a male voice his time.

Liz fought against the dark clouds her head was engulfed in. Her memory coming into play- fuzzy but she remembered- her body spasmed sending searing pain throughout her body.

Someone hit her with a powerful jolt of electricity. “I’ll fuc-” her head grew cloudier- ‘end him’


Another wave hit her again and Liz called out to Kia once more, her cloudier mind confused by the lack of response. ‘Switch on Kia, I need you to tell me where I am, my eyes won’t open.’


When she came too, Liz was on a table with a bright light shining into her eyes. Feeling the pain in her head, she squinted her eyes and groaned out loud, sitting up with her back towards the light.

She mo
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