***Jett's pov***

I lay on the ground wounded. I wasn't gazing at the starry night sky; no. I was awaiting my from death. Anisychía drew closer ready to render the finishing blow. I couldn't move. My limbs had gone numb, and they were bleeding. I felt frozen on the outside; my fingers felt like blocks of ice but I was boiling hot on the inside. The blood filled air didn't ease the pain one bit. He was almost standing above me when it happened.

Sand fell from the sky and swallowed me; I couldn't breathe for a while. I felt like I was the sand, like I didn't exist in my body but as the sand. Soon after the sand threw me up from its belly and o fell in the ground. I was shocked.

Looking up to my right I saw an old cottage, the house was white but covered with lots of weeds and crawlers. The roof was in its last days as one side leaned toward the ground more than the other. The wooden floors were rotten and the nails very visible. I was sure I was in someone's solitary confinement prison.

Turning to my left was an old man, he was drawing stuff on the ground. He looked haggard, he wore a torn and dirty robe, had an extremely pointed nose, huge nostrils and ear lobes. His eyes were barely visible, they were almost closed; like he was squinting to see; but still his ruby pupils were still shining through.

His flesh was wrinkled and weak, the skin below his chin sagged and his mouth curved downward like a frown. His brows pointed to the sky, giving him a senile appearance. His nails were half as long as his fingers. The top of his reflected the moonlight like a mirror but round his temple to the back of his head were some last survivors of hair.

I was here he was a wizard and most obviously the one responsible for what just happened to me. Yes, he saved me but that's didn't make him my comrade. He mist definitely wasn't human but he didn't look like the Neo Enigma either.

He soon waved his hand over the drawings on the sand, picked his walking stick that lay by his feet and stood to go towards the boiling pot that was not too far away from where he was. He finally spoke, "want some soup?", As he poured some into a bowl. Like hell?!! I'm not crazy enough to take food from a man I just met in the forest.

I tried my best to crawl back but my limbs failed me, I only moved a few steps back. I hated to admit it but this guy might not be as bad I make him out to be because I'm very vulnerable at this point and can be killed by even a child yet he makes not attempt to do so.

Is he acting nice to get something out of me or he's actually nice? "You have nothing to fear, young lad", he said. He offered me the bowl of soup asking me again, "want some, son". I felt that it was safe, so I took the bowl of soup. I took a sip and it was the most tasteless soupi had ever had my entire life.

"So where would you like to start your questions from, young lad?", He asked knowing that was the obvious thing that would happen.

"Who... Are you?"

"I'm called many names", he said as he stirred the pot of soup. "I've been called Hermit, traitor, memory, mystic, the second. But what I go by is Mními".

Mními? That sounded like a weird name. "So what are you? I know no ordinary human can survive in this forest alone...", I said noticing the grin that slowly appeared on his face. "You might not be one of em but you most definitely aren't a normal human."

"Like you're one to talk", He remarked. "You made it alone out here so why can't I? Because I'm old?"

That wasn't even close to what I was thinking. "You know a lot... Tell me all you know".

"What makes you so sure of the fact that I know a lot?", He asked with a smile. My silence followed by my serious expression showed my conviction.

"So what would you like to know, young lad?", He questioned as he continued to stir the pot of soup.

"For starters, what the hell are those things; those monsters?"

"Depends... What do you call them? What do you think they are?"

"I call em Neo Enigma... They are ruthless monsters; beasts; devils; abominations", I named as my temper continued to rise as I recalled all the people they had killed.

He smiled even more as he said, "yes, indeed they are all that and more but won't you agree that naming all of them as evil is unfair; giving that you haven't met them all?"

"What do mean? They eat us for lords sake!", I yelled.

"So; all humans are weird and heartless then"

"No. That's just generalisation", I said as I looked at his smug face telling me that I was also generalising with these creatures.

"I can't vouch for all of them but I know that some are kind and I've met the kind ones ". He cleared his throat before continuing, "I like the name you gave them; Neo Enigma - new unknown species. However they are called Brahmans"

"Yes", I squeaked in excitement. "I remember one of them saying something like that Brah - whatcha ma call it again"

"They all came from the Great being called Brahma, and as we speak more are being created from Brahma"

"What?! So does that mean that there's no end to them?", I said as my face turned pale.

"There is", he said as he dropped the spoon and looked me right in the eyes. "You have to kill the Great Brahma"

"I can't kill a right hand man to one of the generals so how am I to kill the one that spawned the Brahma?"

"It's very possible, my child. After all the Brahma is inactive. Most of his power was shared amongst his children so he is barely stronger than a general", he said as he continued to stir the soup again. "I'm sure Michael would have been able to kill Brahma if he wanted to"

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my brain, like my head was being pounded in that instant. "Who is Michael?", I asked as I shook my head to see if the pain was gone.

"Some questions my son...", He said as he stood up, "are best left unanswered"

I was confused; why not just answer them?

"You must leave now, the barrier I was keeping is about to elapse and if you're found here it would mean trouble", he faced his palm towards me.

"Wait! I still have questions", I pleaded.

"Go home and snoop around and look for answers. That soup you drank will give you power but I can't give you all you need, young one".

"Wai-",I said as I noticed my background rewinding and in a flash I was back at the entrance of the forest. All my wounds were healed and I felt even stronger than before. At that point, I was sure that old man wasn't normal. I had to look for answers.

I felt the sunlight on my back as my shadow appeared before me; it was already morning. The sun was rising. Looking at its gold fingers touch every bit of the city buildings, trees and clouds made it feel majestic. The air was fresh and cool, like it was swaddling you in its safety and the sight was amazing.

Watching the sun rise like a majestic king making his entrance gave me hope; there was still hope for this world of ours. The torch of hope still burns brightly but there's no one to to carry it and withstand it's burning magnificence. But no more... I'll be the one; the one to carry the hoe left. I'll be the Saviour.

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