Chapter 13: Soulhunter
Teleporting to Floor 5, Daemon found himself engulfed in darkness. He strained his eyes, but there was nothing to see. Nyaru, clutching Lockheart's hand, trembled with fear beside him.

In a flash, the entire floor was bathed in a vibrant blue light, revealing a floating circular platform crafted from polished black marble. Daemon averted his gaze from the platform and noticed a series of interconnected circle platforms on Level 5, connected by staircases made of gleaming white marble. Looking upward, he marveled at the sight of constellations glowing with a mesmerizing blue radiance. Some constellations gently floated across the sky, while others remained stationary.

As the players adjusted to their surroundings, the staircases vanished, leaving only the central circular platform. It was then that the formidable boss, known as [Floor 5 Soulscapes: Soulhunter], materialized before them.

Soulhunter, draped in a flowing black cloak, possessed a skeletal left hand that protruded through
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