After story chapter 130: Final act (Part 2)

In the demon realm, the hunting and the hunted battle continues. Day and night monsters and demons continuously appeared right before my eyes.

The divine race fear of the creator widens and want to kill me as fast as possible. But that is something I never wanted.

I want to survive no matter what… I will go through this and destroy everything on my way.

Katia beside me with her sword. She made a sword stance to prepare herself for combat.

“Mayu they are coming!”

I concentrated and beneath the ground. The monsters and demons emerge. Breaking the ground and causing destruction.

“These monsters must be familiar. They are all programmed to hunt the creator's vessel.”

“There are so many of them.”

About a hundred monsters suddenly appeared. They are not just ordinary monsters. They are all S-rank monsters that can destroy an entire city if they wanted to.

Not even a genesis bearer can handle such a number by myself. Especially that each monster has I’s own set of skills.

Running won’t make
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