chapter 157

- And if you just give the crossbow? Yura murmured.

- On the one hand, the possession of this crossbow is really a big hemorrhoids, - Genghis Khan nodded, - and on the other hand, incredible luck and a chance to get out of this world twenty years earlier. But in order to take advantage of this chance, you don’t have to “wait for the weather by the sea”, but take “hands in feet” and go, as these boobies say - swing.

“But it doesn’t seem so bad here,” Zhenya said thoughtfully. “At least as long as the said Guardians are pleased with you.

Genghis Khan shook his head.

- You know, I envy you a little: the first ten years in this world are in many ways a happy time, albeit full of severe trials. But man is a complex creature, not only pain and suffering move us forward. With every year spent in this place, indescribable nostalgia, longing, longing for the place lying there ahead will grow stronger in you. I don't want to say that every day will eventually turn into something bad, no. But th
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