“What shall we do now?” Carl asked as he wiped off blood from his lips. “You said we are going to leave without attracting attention. But so much for that, huh?” He added as we watched the people looking at us.

I didn’t even know what to say or do right now. Because after what we did to their daughter, who they so desperately wanted to save, they will not let us go now.

“We told you to kidnap Carl and leave. If we left that very night, then none of this would have happened. You are way too attached to people. You need to lose some of those please,” Hope spoke as he walked and stood next to me and Carl.

“Now get us the hell out of this mess,” Thought added, and stood next to his brother.

I looked at them all, trying to get why they were blaming this on me. Yes, maybe I was touched. But I was just trying to be human. To help in any way I could. And it’s just unfortunate that it got me into this state.

“What happened in there,” King finally asked and walked to me. “Where is Nameless?” He
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