Fierce Face Off
The heroes; Hero, Amazing Girl, Bravo, Miss Awesome, and Scarlet Lady attacked him together as Hero shot heat vision from his eyes, Scarlet lady sends a blast of scarlet force from her hands. Amazing girl powered a blast of amazing energy. Bravo attacked with fire around himself while Miss Awesome had not made a move to attack yet, she was still mid-air.

But as Photo Power was hit, he moved back skidding on the ground, He groans and said,

“just imagine having all of your strengths and powers combined”. He punched the ground which cracks and the scarlet force spreads out to hit them backwards. Bravo flew speedily at him as he yells, but as he was coming, Photo Power was engulfed in orange streaks of lightning, then he sped around Bravo and speedily pushed him towards a building through which Bravo broke.

Amazing Girl came out of nowhere, delivering a super punch at Photo Power and before he could fall to the ground, Hero punched him back then Scarlet Lady shot heat vision from he
Izzy Bee Mak

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