From Nothing to Norton
From Nothing to Norton
Author: zamarni
Chapter 1 Laborer

On a sunny afternoon in Pennington, amidst the bustling construction site and the resounding clamor of machinery, a sudden interruption occurred.

A taxi screeched to a halt, and a visibly distressed man in his late forties emerged from the vehicle. He appeared as if he were being pursued, his urgency palpable. However, his entrance into the building was halted by the Construction Manager (CM).

"Apologies, sir, but you cannot enter this area without your Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)!" the CM called out.

"Please, I need to see Mr. Newton! It's a matter of utmost urgency, sir," the stranger pleaded, rushing his words.

The CM scrutinized the stranger, assessing the situation before responding, "I will fetch him for you. Please remain here."

"Mr. Newton!" the CM called out to summon his attention.

At that moment, the stranger interjected with worry, "It's about your mother, Mr. Newton."

Newton's unease heightened upon hearing the mention of his mother. Leaning over the railing, he inquired anxiously, "What happened to her?"

"Come down here, Newton!" the CM shouted, his voice competing with the noisy machinery.

Head bowed, the stranger conveyed the weight of sorrow on his shoulders as he spoke, "She passed away this afternoon. She asked me to fetch you, but before I could arrange an Uber, she had already passed away... The doctor confirmed it. I used to work with her, Mr. Newton."

Newton couldn't fathom the shocking news he had just received. His mother had been the driving force behind his arduous efforts as a construction laborer, as he intended to use his earnings to cover the medical expenses required to commence her treatment. Yet, the ulcer had mercilessly claimed her life even before treatment could begin.

Now, Newton found himself bereft of both parents, becoming an orphan in an instant.

Without hesitation, Newton swiftly boarded the waiting taxi, the driver already aware of the urgent situation at hand.

"Hurry... Let's get to the hospital as quickly as possible. My mother..." Newton halted himself, unable to utter the word "dead."

Terrified by the grim reality of his only parent's death, Newton's mind refused to accept the heartbreaking truth. "No, no, it can't be!" he repeated, his voice trembling with disbelief.

Within fifteen minutes, the taxi arrived at the hospital, and Newton hastily exited the vehicle. With every ounce of strength in his legs, he sprinted towards the ward where his mother had been admitted.

Desperation filled his voice as he shouted to the nurses, who were busy attending to their duties, "Where is my mom?" His pleas went unanswered.

"Where is my mom?" he repeated, his voice filled with anguish.

This time, a compassionate nurse, overcome with empathy at the sight of Newton's distraught state, responded softly, "She's in the morgue, sir... I'm deeply sorry. We lost her this afternoon."

Newton was engulfed in profound grief, but he found himself unable to fully express his emotions. The only person he had in the entire world had been snatched away from him.

His mother had been his anchor, the sole reason he could find solace and shun the suicidal thoughts that haunted his mind. How could he bring her further grief by succumbing to his own despair, especially after everything they had endured together?

"If only I wasn't so poor!" he screamed, his anguish echoing through the hospital halls.

Moved by Newton's pain, some of the nurses began to sympathize. "It's not the end of the world, sir," one of them consoled him.

"She would have wanted you to be strong," another nurse offered, trying to provide a glimmer of solace.

Still dressed in his work clothes, covered in dirt and dust, Newton appeared forlorn and disheveled. At that moment, the stranger who had accompanied him earlier approached, finding Newton in his pale state. "Let me take you home, Mr. Newton. Your mother was a dear friend of mine."

* * *

That night, Newton sat alone on his small stool at home. His appetite waned, and he picked at his food, unable to consume much. The absence of the one person who always occupied the chair across from him weighed heavily on his heart. As memories of his mother seated in her favorite spot flooded his mind like a flickering reel, sorrow enveloped him completely.

As Newton's cell phone beeped, he retrieved it from his pocket, curious about the message he had received. The sender's name, "Bartworth Funds," caught his attention. Opening the email, he read the unsettling contents.

The loan he had taken from Bartworth to pay for his education at Bayfield College was long overdue for its second installment, accumulating a 10% interest. The total amount owed, including the interest, was $20,000.

Regret filled Newton's heart as he wished he hadn't opened the email. The burden of his financial obligations compounded his already overwhelming grief. He had taken on the loan to cover his tuition after his scholarship was revoked due to his inability to maintain the required GPA while juggling various responsibilities.

Although his cumulative GPA remained high, he couldn't meet the criteria for the scholarship, and Bayfield College charged a significant tuition fee of $19,500 per semester.

Newton shook his head, feeling trapped and despondent. He had been working tirelessly to afford his mother's medical expenses, causing his academic performance to suffer, and now his mother had succumbed to her illness. On top of that, he faced the imminent pressure of repaying his loan.

Sighing heavily, he whispered, "I wish I were rich. Mother would still be alive, and I wouldn't have to endure this suffering."

Tears welled up in Newton's eyes as he continued to pick at his food, his appetite waning. In his distress, he thought of his girlfriend, Rhoda. She had always been a source of comfort and someone who would listen to him in times of pain.

With a glimmer of hope, he reached for his cell phone, intending to call Rhoda. He dialed her number, and after a couple of rings, she answered, though her tone was different than he expected.

"Uh, not now, Newton," Rhoda's voice responded curtly.

Startled by the unfamiliar tone, Newton stammered, "Rhoda, it's me, Newton, your boyfriend."

"You have a boyfriend?" a male voice in the background interjected.

Before Rhoda could respond, Newton hurriedly spoke, not giving her a chance to explain herself to the man she was with, as he had grown accustomed to other men pursuing Rhoda.

Rhoda was a stunning woman—beautiful, slender, with long hair, large eyes, and fair skin. She possessed an ethereal charm that captivated those around her.

"When did I say I had a boyfriend?" Newton heard Rhoda's voice inquire, evidently confused by the man's assumption.

Newton was taken aback by her response. "Rhoda?" he whispered, his heart sinking further into despair.

Newton's world crumbled before him as Rhoda continued to speak, denying their relationship and belittling him. Her words pierced his heart, tearing down the trust and love he had held for her. He couldn't comprehend why she would suddenly turn on him.

"But Rhoda, we were together. We were dating," Newton pleaded, his voice trembling with hurt.

Rhoda's impatience grew evident as she dismissed his claims. "Listen, Newton. Stop spreading lies. We never dated, okay? You're not my type, and I would never be with someone like you. Look at yourself, you can't even afford what I wear. Don't embarrass yourself by making up stories."

Newton felt as though he was living in a nightmare. Just a week ago, his mother had given them her blessing, and they had shared beautiful moments together. They seemed like the perfect couple, understanding and supporting each other. How could everything change so suddenly?

Struggling to make sense of Rhoda's betrayal, Newton pleaded with her, desperate to salvage their relationship. "Rhoda, if I've done something wrong, please tell me. I'll do anything to make it right, I swear."

The man in the background, who had now taken over the phone, interrupted their conversation with a barrage of insults. He mocked Newton for his financial situation and his supposed insignificance compared to Rhoda's new boyfriend.

Newton's heart sank further as he listened to the man's cruel words. The pain was unbearable, compounded by the realization that Rhoda had moved on so swiftly. The love and commitment they once shared had been shattered.

With a final blow, Rhoda's voice resounded, bidding Newton farewell. "Bye, Newton!"

As the line disconnected, the man's voice echoed with disdain, branding Newton as a broke loser. The weight of the insults and the loss of Rhoda crushed Newton's spirit, leaving him devastated and alone.

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