
Bursting through the apartment door, I slammed it shut behind me with a resounding bang. The weight of the encounter with Zephyr, the memory of her searing kiss and manipulative words, still clung to me like a shroud. But beneath it, a spark of triumph flickered. We had done it. We had the recording.

The living room erupted in cheers as I entered. Maggie, Curry, and Maya, their faces etched with a mixture of anticipation and concern, rushed towards me. The sight of their worried yet hopeful faces washed away the lingering residue of Zephyr's touch.

"Ben!" Maya exclaimed, her voice filled with relief as she threw her arms around me. "Did you get it? The recording?"

I pulled back, a triumphant grin spreading across my face. Reaching into my pocket, I retrieved the tiny microphone, the weight of it now a symbol of our success. "Got it," I declared, the words tasting like victory on my tongue.

A collective cheer erupted, a symphony of joy that echoed through the apartment and out into the
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