Supplementary Chapter 1

    "You shouldn't have done that you know?"

     She reached for the bowl on the table. He was jumpy but would not show it. It was better to feign than to give himself away so easily. He knew what he was capable of doing. 

    She took a swig of the soup in the bowl. Twas kinda sapid. Though there was too much seasoning. That's what you get when you leave an amateur to prepare your meal. 

     She dropped the bowl again and looked at him. He didn't know how to convince her. There seemed to be no point in wanting to do that. He should try. 

       "Twas partly because of you, you know."

      She chuckled. She hadn't thought that being with a human would make her that happy. She hadn't been that happy in a long while. After she had been kicked outta the depth of the sea by the rude Poseidon. He had be

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