The end of the battle

Inside the forest that had just appeared, Rodes opened his eyes suddenly. He could feel people running out of his artificial forest. However, he wasn't concerned about that. He didn't even intend to spend his energy to kill other vampires. His purpose was only Gyan.

"I found you!" whispered Rodes after feeling the aura that belonged to Gyan.

He then strengthened both legs and ran fast. Rodes' speed was so high that for adventurers, they only saw a green light rushing out quickly.

On the other hand, Gyan could also feel Rodes darting towards him at high speed.

"This time, there is nowhere to escape!" shouted Rodes who was still running towards Gyan.

"I didn't intend to run away either," Gyan retorted.

A green aura gathered on Rodes' right hand. The branch leader of the earth goddess church then slammed his right fist towards Gyan.

The next second a explosion was created, the waves caused by Rodes' punches spread throughout the forest. The trees were pushed by a strong wave of air. Doz
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