Please Stay

I stood dumbstruck at what I saw. Ever since I worked as an agent pursuing this case, I've never seen anyone who actually commanded beasts. I began to wonder if he was the faceless Saviour everyone was talking about.

But for some reason, this faceless Saviour looked nothing like the one I saw on the news. He had this dangerous and unnatural aura,just like what I'd perceived that night.

He commanded the monsters and that's exactly what caught my attention. How on earth was he able to do that?

"Hey, August!" I blinked but didn't turn around to answer Fox because of what I saw. I was still very much in shock.

"Where are the monsters? We heard their voices just some minutes ago?" He asked.

I turned around to face my partners, who looked around in a confused state.

"There are no monsters anymore."

"Huh? How's that possible? We clearly heard the growls of these monsters. Have they, perhaps, escaped?" Jed asked while staring at me, desperate for answers.

I lifted my gun up to them.

"See? I
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