Chapter 76 - An Unexpected Twist

Ethan reclined on a large rock, which was partially submerged on the edge of the lake. The cacophony of insects chirping, buzzing, and screaming at each other filled the air. The wind that blew from the surface of the lake brought with it the sweet fragrance of freshness, quickly filling him with a sense of peacefulness and tranquility.

The sound of water splashing against the lake's surface echoed through the night air. After a few moments, Olivia took the plunge and submerged herself in the tranquil waters of the lake, which were illuminated by the shimmering moonlight. Meanwhile, Ethan remained vigilant, calling on Fang to keep a watchful eye by surveying the surrounding area.

"Ethan Oppa…"

A few drops of icy water splashed against Ethan's cheeks, quickly evaporating in the chilly wind. Suddenly, Ethan was jolted from his thoughts by the sound of Olivia's voice, much softer than usual.

"Oppa..." she repeated, her tone less cheerful than usual.

"Are you alright?" he said.

Maybe thi
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