He Who Transmigrated With Myriad Life

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He Who Transmigrated With Myriad Life

By: jetthayanokoji OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 22 views: 1.7K

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"The first step towards the query for the real truth is being able to accept that it might be different from the truth that you believe in." If Ryle wasn't quick enough to use the 3rd Myriad Life: Transmigration, his life would have ended, because Equera, who he considered as his mother, made her consume a potent poison. What made Ryle confused was Equera was in tears and was embracing him as he was taking his last breaths. Would someone who had done an act of betrayal do that? No as an answer would be an understatement. Ryle's magic allowed him to be transmigrated 300 years later in the future and was in the body of Jadren, the 16-years-old young master of the Hlezel Family. As Ryle lived his life as Jadren, he was seeking for the answers behind his death, because instead of being angry, Ryle was instead filled with questions. Ryle believed that Equera would never poison him to death for no reason. Be an audience as he who transmigrated with myriad life, Ryle, embarks on a journey to figure out the truth behind his death. Was Ryle's death an another case of betrayal or there was a purpose behind it?

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22 chapters
Chapter 1: Ryle in Jadren's Body
IN A DESERTED and barren alley, two people were present: a dying young man who was laying on the ground and an old man waiting for the death of the other. The former was Jadren, the young master of Hlezel Family; burns, bloods, and bruises were all over his body. At this moment, he was hardly catching his breath; tears were seemingly endless as it continuously flowed out from his eyes."Be grateful, as you are fated to protect the Land of Lahell," the grinning old man who was staring at Jadren said; he was the culprit behind Jadren's miserable state."Curse on you!" Jadren could only helplessly say it in his mind; he didn't have any strength left to open his mouth. "How I wish I was stronger..."Jadren could feel that he only had a minute or so 'till his life would come to an end; the thought made him cry harder. He was a good man and was cautious on his every move, so he was confident that he offended no one. Regarding on what he had done to deserve his death,
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Chapter 2: Birthing?
"MAYBE I TRANSMIGRATED into another world?" Ryle was playing jokes with himself.The young Ryle was bored, so he was theorizing anything he could think of to satiate his boredom; this was Ryle's hobby in his past life. The young man was still sane and he was sure that he was in the same world; he wasn't even sure if there were other worlds that existed, he just wanted to kill time.Time passed by quickly; Ryle could feel that he had the mana now to execute a healing magic. Wasting to time, he began to circulate his mana and uttered the incantation in his mind. His expression turned ugly when nothing happened, so with difficulty, he opened his mouth and said, "18th Healing: Stiches of Recuperation!"To no avail, Ryle could still not feel his mana responding to him. If someone was able to witness Ryle do such thing, they would laugh their lungs out 'till they die — that was the most shameful thing a wizard could ever commit. Ryle was somehow embarrassed, at
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Chapter 3: Deserving to Receive the Gift
"WHAT HAPPENED TO you, young master?!" The servants of the Hlezel family were sprinting towards Ryle with a terrified expression the moment he arrived at the mansion's entrance.Although Ryle's wounds had finally healed, his tattered clothes created an impression that he went through something terrible. The servants were now calling the madame and the physician; no matter how many times Ryle told them that he was fine, the servants were panicking too much to listen to him. Understanding that Jadren was a good master to her servants; Ryle was not that surprised with the ruckus that the servants of the Hlezel Family was making.Earlier, when Ryle was finally healed, he was planning on visiting the kingdom's libraries to find answers, however upon understanding the condition of his outfit, it would be impossible for him to do so; the guards would sure chase him out. Ryle could only go home for a change. He also had something to inquire his mother about."My son, who
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Chapter 4: What Have Become of the World
THE GAINS THAT Ryle had acquired today made him feel delighted; he didn't expect that a simple query for artifacts would lead him to obtain a myriad space artifact. Ryle promised to make sure that he would make the most out of the treasures that were right before his hands.An order of not barging in into Jadren's room was issued inside the Hlezel Mansion. Ryle issued the order himself, he reasoned out that the moment he would get enough rest, he would be cultivating his fire magic. Disturbances were what Ryle needed the least for the rest of the day.Presently laying on the bed was Ryle as he immersed himself into the memories of Jadren once more — there was something that he needed to confirm. He searched for the records of myriad magics in Jadren's memory, but to no avail. It was not in the books, his classmates don't possess one, nor the strongest wizards in the Land of Lahell — in short, there were no traces of myriad magic. It was as if m
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Chapter 5: The Bully Instructor
WALKING THROUGH THE empty hallway of Sky Crane Academy was Ryle. It was not because there were no classes today that the hallway was not crowded, but Ryle was already late for his class due to the fact that the young man had been into Prine Library. In fact, Ryle planned to skip classes for today to continue his business in the library, but he had already got his answers so he proceeded to attend the academy.As Ryle was on his way to his classroom, his mind was wandering somewhere else. Alrael's revelation left so much impression on him. Aside from being told that there were no myriad magics; when he asked for the Promised Kingdom, the five division, and the jefes, Alrael's answer remained the same. Ryle had no choice but to believe on Alrael's words, because the young man had narrated to him the history of the Arc Continent.The history that Alrael knew was completely different from the history that Ryle had learned. As per Alrael, it was 300 years ago that the three
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Chapter 6: The Son of an Influential Merchant
WHILE EVERYONE WAS having their own classes, a ringing bell was heard all over the academy. In an instant, students of Sky Crane Academy excitedly rushed out from their respective classrooms. Ryle was not an exemption from this, the moment he heard the signal, he was the first one to exit thay class — he had grown tired of Kin's voice and everything about the instructor.However, as the young man was taking his steps to the cafeteria, he suddenly felt a hand behind his neck. Feeling alarmed, Ryle shoved the hand away with his brute force. When he happened to look back to met the person who was daring enough to harass him like that, he met the stares of Oswald.Oswald Belser was an D- wizard, ranked third in their class, and his background wasn't something to be trifled with. Oswald's father was a merchant who owned the Thousand Lily Shop and Shop held an influence in the Merchant's Alliance. The mentioned alliance, if united, was one of the influences who had the
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Chapter 7: Spar Class
Chapter 7: Spar ClassIt was Sky Crane Academy who discovered that teaching magic to students would be effective and efficient if classes involved not only academics, but practical execution of the acquired knowledge as well. That was why in Sky Crane Academy, every class in the morning solely focused in academics, while classes in afternoon were all practical exercises. Cultivation Class, Mana Training I, Basic Order Casting, and Spar Class I — these were the afternoon classes that were offered to the first year students of Sky Crane Academy. Among the mentioned classes, Spar Class was the most loved by majority of the learners, including the first lady of Grandeur Family, Ryuen. “Commence,” declared Tyriad. The moment Ryuen heard the signal from her instructor to start the spar, a wide grin was visible on her lips and she instantly chanted her spell, “20th Fire: Fireball.”A ball of flame was seen e
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Chapter 8: It Was Ryle Who Interfered!
Chapter 8: It Was Ryle Who Interfered! It was an unspoken rule that during spars, no one should interfere, unless necessary. The term necessary would only be valid to circumstances wherein the life of any participant was threatened, otherwise any interference would not be tolerated.“What the hell was that?” Ryuen shouted and threw a deadly gaze to the perpetrator who dared to sneak an attack her. "I demand a very reasonable explanation."The person who was responsible for the launching of fireball was no other than Ryle. After the failed attack on Ryuen, he went to take his seat and act as if nothing had happened. The way that Ryle acted incited an uproar — his behavior was too overbearing.  Interfering a spar and making it appear as if it never took place? Who would do that? Now, it was not only Ryuen who was giving Ryle an angered look, but his classmates as well. Before any unnecessary thing would hap
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Chapter 9: It Can Be
Chapter 9: It Can Be”YOU NO LONGER can practice magic... because of me.” Ryuen couldn’t stop her sobbing as she sat beside Paul’s bed. Right now, Paul was being treat and was resting at the Sky Crane Academy’s clinic. “Why did you not even forfeit?!”Paul bitterly smiled as he honestly replied, “Darling, did you forget? You warned me to not do so. Being the obedient husband that I am, it was my pleasure to cater your request.”Ryuen was given another reason to cry harder. It appeared to her that this incident took place because she threatened Paul to not give up the match. If only she didn’t make such an unfair request, the leakage on Paul’s mana core would have been prevented. The young lady of Grandeur Family was full of regrets on her actions.“Darling, it’s okay. I don’t blame you.” Paul proceeded to grab Ryuen’s hands and gave it a kiss. His condition did
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Chapter 11
Chapter 2: Birthing?"MAYBE I TRANSMIGRATED into another world?" Ryle was playing jokes with himself.The young Ryle was bored, so he was theorizing anything he could think of to satiate his boredom; this was Ryle's hobby in his past life. The young man was still sane and he was sure that he was in the same world; he wasn't even sure if there were other worlds that existed, he just wanted to kill time.Time passed by quickly; Ryle could feel that he had the mana now to execute a healing magic. Wasting to time, he began to circulate his mana and uttered the incantation in his mind. His expression turned ugly when nothing happened, so with difficulty, he opened his mouth and said, "18th Healing: Stiches of Recuperation!"To no avail, Ryle could still not feel his mana responding to him. If someone was able to witness Ryle do such thing, they would laugh their lungs out 'till they die — that was the most shameful thing a wizard could ever commit. Ryle was somehow embarrassed, at the same
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