Chapter Twenty-five - Vacation In Paradise

" Look, there are more people arriving " said a guy looking at the portal open.

This man, as well as many others, saw the portal open and more people pass through it, this time 25 men and women arrived through the magical passage that closed afterwards.

With that more than 100 people were gathered in the place, an abandoned temple on top of a mountain, normally magic portals are not so accurate to hit the target, but two marking stakes were planted in the place, the caster only needed to point the magic in that direction and the stakes would do the rest, even so the dimensional mage needed to be of high level to reach such a far away location.

" Did you also accept the offer?" asked a woman who had just arrived.

" It is not obvious?" 100,000 Eris each is an incredible offer!" said the mercenary " and look at how many people are already here, whoever is promoting this must be a billionaire!"

" Mages of any class, mercenaries... there are even some beasts over there " said a wizard look
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