Chapter 14

Harry frowned as the strange energy cruising through him was becoming stronger with each second.


The angry roar of the creatures brought him back to his senses.

Looking at the creatures, Harry felt his anger which had subsided again.

Without caring about a thing in the world, he rushed forward to meet the creature head-on by throwing a punch.

Immediately his fits touched one of the creatures, it was sent flying.


A loud bang was heard as the creature hit one of the lockers, there was a hole in its chest.

The creature didn't survive the hit and was dead. Harry looked at his fists in surprise only to see a strange light on them like that of lightning moving around his clenched fist.


At that moment, the sky darkened and thunder rumbled in the sky.

Harry frowned as he looked at his fist again.


Not far from the classroom was Rachel and two huge wolves, one was brown and the other was black fighting the destroyers.

It was Damien and Jason in their wolf fo
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