Chapter 15

Emily's eyes snapped open and her body rose into the air slowly as the temperature increased. Next, her body was engulfed in fire.

The clothes on her body were turned to ashes in no time leaving Emily naked.

Emily turned slowly toward the location of the destroyers and waved her hands.

Immediately, all the groups of destroyers in the school were burnt to ashes.

The temperature becomes even more unbearable. Harry felt a kind of thirst he had never felt in his life.

Cracks started to appear on his skin as all the moisture had been sucked out by the temperature.

The destroyers moving towards him had long been burnt to ashes.

"This is not good!" A panicked voice sounded breaking the silence.

Harry turned with difficulty to look at the owner of the voice only to see Rachel, Damien, and Jason who had transformed back to their human forms.

Suddenly he felt his body float into the air and a force brought him toward Rachel.

Immediately he got to their side, he was surprised to find the atmosph
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