Another Attack

'His name is...'

'Wait, do you heat that?' Asher interrupted

'Hear what?' Cian asked

'A roar, a lion roar' Raymond said

'The beast, it's back' Clint said in terror

'This time, it's not in school, is it near here?' Cian asked not hearing the beast roar

'No, it's still far away, in the woods' Sean answered.

'You kids, stay here, I'm going to face it, alone' Arnold said putting more stress as he said "alone", he stood up from the couch and headed for the door.

'How will you track it down when you can't hear it?' Raymond asked making Arnold turn back to them

'I'm aren't called a sorcerer for noticing' Arnold said bringing out a fold paper from his satchel that hung over one of his shoulder. He walked to the dinning table and unfolded the paper, it was a map.

'Location spell' Valerie asked and he nodded.

Arnold brought out a dagger from his satchel, he cut his palm with the knife, squeezed out the blood on the map. Placing his hand over the map, he chanted a spell causing the blood to
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