¶ Hope's dream ¶.

Hope's adventure

¶ Hope's dream ¶.

Ten years later.

the lightening bolt streak through the sky, the rumbles and tumbles were extremely loud.

suddenly, the sound stops with a dark room up ahead.

a figure could be seen lying down on a bed.

[ scoff ], his breathe were cold.

“ what am I doing here ”, he whispered to himself.

it has been ten years, hope dream of saving his sister is dead. himself and Austin were able to track down the last demon said to have been a match for his sister but to his surprise, he was wrong.

“ am hopeless ”.

few hours later, the storm had stopped with the clear view of the day escaping the sky. the morning birds chirps and the sun reflected on his face.

“ hey, how are you doing ”, the young average height man said to Hope.

he slowly turned towards him and looks at him.

“ am fine, w-what do you have to tell me ”.

“ h-huh ”, he stammers.

“ we know where the remaining demons are, i-i was not suppose to tell you that ”, he replied.

“ what, why did you not tell me
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