29. The Blind King's Revelation

“My lord!“ Chancy yells, running over to us and falling on his knees. In fact, everyone in the vicinity was bowing to the King.

“You should not have come. I was just about to lead them to the palace” Chancy adds.

The King regards me and for a moment I start to doubt if he's truly blind.

“Very well. You must be tired from your travels. Come. Rest in my palace and we shall talk when you are well rested” he says turning to mount his horse. His eyes land on Kara who is now walking this way and he squints in confusion, turning his head towards me and then back to Karam he shakes his head, deciding to not comment on whatever he saw.

“Chancy! Treat them with utmost care! These are our guests. I will see you all at the palace so you can shed light on this new situation” he orders before turning his horse around.

“As you wish my lord!“ Chancy yells as he bows towards the king.

“That is the king?“ Ravena says once he was out of earshot and the villagers had resumed their t
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