Michael held Lucille by the shoulder, pulled her up until she was in a sitting position then he generated another forcefield but the colour was blue this time behind her back to act as support and the way it was shape alongside the strength of it, which wasn't as hard as the one he used to press the primal trainees against the wall. From the way Lucille's body fell and was held up by it, one could tell that it had the texture of a couch meant for supporting weight.

With both hands free now, Michael took the left and gently pressed it against her face then with his right he reached for the top of his field, index finger out and pressed one of the two buttons there which unlocked the field by the neck region.

With that taken care of he held on to the top of the field as it kept opening up into sections until he took it off his head, revealing his face, slightly messy brown hair with naturally earned golden highlights, left eye opened normally while
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