Although it seemed that Michael had a variety of options of which course of action in terms of defense to go through with before deciding and then going ahead with it, to him that was the contrary. If he wanted, he could take down Ryder and stop Zack in one fell swoop with enough power that the two boys could end up dying from it. Just like what Daniel meant when he told the trainees to fight with all their might.

Michael could also defend himself without using his powers as well because his base level stats were already beyond the most capable human as well which would be a bit lesser than what Ryder was capable of pulling of but if he did that it would come off that he wasn't even trying. This could cause the trainees to question their self esteem in the process so he was also sure that he wasn't going to do that.

He needed to find the balance between the two extremes and with that in mind, having a lot of time to think about it with how fast his perception of
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