Chapter 69

The road he paved was towards the South. Having a windy journey made Arthas have a chilly experience. The map pointed out that the next necromancer was in the South. A Rocky valley that has harpy nests within the region.

Travelers were attacked along the way and so Arthas was prepared to battle it out. Having an all-out battle would be something that he looks forward to. Ambush would also be possible.

Arthas arrived at the valley and saw nests scattered all over the place. Others were bickering while others were fighting for their mate. Younglings were playing on the ground with the others. Crouching while observing them. It was then, he prepared for slaughtering them.

Arthas drew his sword and then went to approach the winged monsters. Arthas then was seen by them and they all screamed. Having food in the meantime would be pleasurable.

Harpies flew towards him and he dashed to meet them. One dived towards him and he slashed with his sword. Cleaving its wings apar
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