The black thunderstorm

"Two of these three great angels are stationed in Zocta and in the Tower of Wisdom; they are the Immortal of the Ages and Avogomont respectively. These two angels are directly under the control of the Pope and are one and the same with him."

"Pope Condé has launched a strong campaign, and the two great angels, the Archaic Eternal and Avergomont, have both possessed him, and Jugzotus has lent him considerable power.

It stuck in her throat like a sore thumb, and she couldn't speak.

"I am ready to do whatever it takes to complete the mission, so please escort me."

"Destroying the main gate of the tall tower, before the gate could not be destroyed by me alone. But now, along with the earthquake, the gate's sealing formation should be damaged, so with my combined efforts with you, it should be possible for me to destroy the main gate. After destroying the main gate, we will prepare our flying wings or cloaks, prop them up, and pocket the hot airflow to

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